Our UK based team of mushroom growing, composting and air handling specialists provide a bespoke service for the international mushroom industry, offering traditional polystructures or “Dutch style” growing rooms.
Our roots go back to supplying a complete package of insulated polystructure growing rooms, inclusive of the structures, shelving, lighting, air handling units and complete environmental monitoring and control. We continue to supply these worldwide both in kits and design/build options.
Our technology has transferred to other organic industries including the waste composting and waste to energy sectors. Using our knowledge and experience we have been tasked with finding innovative solutions to many organic problems and are now considered world leaders in composting in the Oil Palm industry where our system is unique in dealing with 100% of all mill wastes.
We are involved in supplying our largest polystructures for a vertical farming project and are inventive solutions are imperative in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions which has always been one of our main objectives.
Call 0118 971 4414 today or

Our Services
Our team of agricultural consultants provide a range of services for the waste and mushroom industry. From planning, project management to the design and engineering of purpose-built facilities. We have everything you need for environmentally conscious waste management and commercial mushroom cultivation.

About Us
Growing Designs Ltd was established in 1992 to support the smaller growers within the UK’s mushroom industry, catering for the commercial sector. We are a small but experienced team having worked and supplied equipment on five continents establishing a trusted brand across the globe for over 30 years.
Our customers say…
"A local, knowledgable team for commercial level mushroom farming and waste management. As project managers, they oversee the entire project and provide fantastic polystructures for growing rooms."

Composting Bunkers
Composting bunkers are used for a variety of different applications to compost large volumes of organic waste in-vessel. The in-vessel system offers the composter a means of being in control of the substrate and lends itself to a batch system.

Mushroom Growing
We provide a bespoke service for mushroom growing, offering a full range of polystructure growing rooms based on our ‘Lake’ series. As well as state-of-the-art growing rooms, we provide equipment and training to get up and running effectively.

Machinery & Equipment
We supply the full range of Machinery and ancillary equipment for mushroom growing, from small shelving machines working on standard widths, like the RLP.92 Ruffler, to large bale blending lines and overhead filling equipment.

EFB/POME Bunkers
The Growing Designs team has developed an innovative process of resolving the problem of Palm Oil Mill Waste. Our process combines the Palm Oil Mill Effluent and other mill waste, and composts it into a valuable and stable fertiliser.
Our latest news and tips
Conveyor Cover Building
Conveyor Cover Building Installation of a twin cover geodetic structure on top of existing fermentation bunkers to reduce emissions during overhead filling. Our role was to obtain planning permission for the Client and supervise the construction of the project....
Vertical Farming
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Benefits of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Bunkers
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From the preparation of designs, including construction and engineering drawings, through to the installation of polystructures and compost bunkers, we offer a bespoke service aimed at the commercial mushroom growing sector. With decades of experience, we are a globally recognised team for mushroom growing, compost bunkers, machinery and equipment. Call us today to speak to a specialist: 0118 971 4414