Composting Tunnels and Bunkers

Invessel composting bunkers are used for a variety of different applications to compost large volumes of organic wastes and substrates. The bunkers all use a similar aerated floor system to ensure that the substrate remains aerobic throughout the entire
process reducing odour and mitigating methane emissions.

The composter is in charge of the substrate (a dominating process) controlling the biological process by controlling the amount of oxygen and the temperature. For example, in an ABPR (Animal By-products Regulations) tunnel the process reaches and sustains pasteurisation (+63°C) temperatures by microbiological activity alone, there is no additional requirement for the adding steam or other resources to comply with the legislation. Our ABPR tunnels have been accredited for single and double pass approvals.


Bespoke Composting Bunkers -Worldwide Application

Composting bunkers are used for a variety of different applications to compost large volumes of organic waste, in-vessel. The in-vessel system mitigates the creation of methane, a very damaging greenhouse gas, and lends itself to a repeatable batch system. temperature.

What are composting bunkers used for?

Composting bunkers are used for:

  • Greenwaste
  • ABPR food waste (accredited systems for single and double pass)
  • Bio-drying
  • Animal manure
  • Municipal solid waste
  • Anaerobic digestion residue
  • Sewage sludge
  • Phase 1 fermentation
  • Palm-nut EFB/POME

From organic waste, we can produce an inert and stable composted substrate using an engineered bunker tailored to your requirements.

Greenwaste Organic Composting Solutions

Greenwaste (Garbology) bunkers are a cost-effective alternative to wind-row composting with the added benefit of a small footprint and the ability to be fitted with emission and odour reduction equipment.

mushroom growing specialists UK contact


"A local, knowledgable team for commercial level mushroom farming and waste management. As project managers, they oversee the entire project and provide fantastic polystructures for growing rooms."


From the preparation of designs, including construction and engineering drawings, through to the installation of polystructures and compost bunkers, we offer a bespoke service aimed at the commercial mushroom growing sector. With decades of experience, we are a globally recognised team for mushroom growing, compost bunkers, machinery and equipment. Call us today to speak to a specialist: 0118 971 4414